Dreams Begin Here!

Campus Tour 

Students will explore our beautiful 70-acre campus while hearing about the college experience from the perspective of our Visit Guides. Students will learn about KCC’s unique majors, college terminology, options for financing their education, and the various ways to enjoy college outside of the classroom. 

All guests must adhere to the CUNY Visitor Policy following to access the campus.

Visitas en Español 

Queremos que KBCC sea un lugar que reciba y sea accesible para todos los posible futuros estudiantes e invitados. 

Por eso es que ofrecemos visitas al campus en Espanol, los cuales son una excelente oportunidad para que estudiantes y sus familias visualicen su vida educativa en el colegio KBCC. Espéramos, que esta oportunidad permita que todos y todas los alumnos disfruten de nuestra experiencia. 

Virtual Visit  

Let our Visit Guides take your students on a virtual exploration of KCC! Students will hear about the college experience from the perspective of our Visit Guides.

Visits are open to grades 6th - 12th and will be adjusted based on the audience.  

Reserve only the number of visits needed for your school's enrollment.

Please contact the site coordinator for assistance if a date or time is not available. All effort will be made to accommodate. 

Contact Information:
Denise Abarca |
College Campus Coordinator